Category: Sexuality Education

AASECT 2015 conference registration is open!

Registration for the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) 2015 conference is open!  The conference will take place June 3-7 in Minneapolis, MN.  I’m extremely excited about the location, since I grew up in the Twin Cities and love going back to visit.  And don’t worry, all the snow should have melted by June so you won’t need to bring your parka and long underwear.


Check out this link to learn more about the conference program, or go here to learn more about AASECT itself.


Dog on a psychologist's couch saying, Another guest post over at Teaching Sex Ed, this time on the educational philosophy of behaviorism as it relates to sexuality and sexuality education.

What is Behaviorism?

Behaviorism is a school of thought and theory of learning that is based on the idea that all behaviors people do are conditioned responses to the environment.  Individuals are conditioned to respond to a particular stimulus in a particular way, and learning is merely the result of a response to the stimuli.  Ivan Pavlov, as well as John Watson and Edward Lee Thorndike, are the main influential figures who contributed to behaviorism.

Click here to read the rest of the post!

Utilizing Technology to Teach Sexuality

I have a guest post on Utilizing Technology to Teach Sexuality over at Teaching Sex Ed.

iPad apps to support Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

iPad apps to support Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy

Students of all ages now have access to a variety of technologies, but schools and educational settings have been slow to adapt to changes in technology and incorporate them into classrooms, aside from the ubiquitous PowerPoint.  Integrating technology into education is a great way to engage students in learning that is fun and engages students with different learning styles and preferences.  Using technology in classrooms also encourages students to take a more active role in learning, instead of always having the educator disseminate knowledge.  Depending on the technology used, these activities can also encourage creativity and critical thinking using technology and media that is already familiar to students.

Click here to go read the rest of the post and learn more about you can use laptops, smartphones, and tablets when teaching about sexuality.