Category: Technology

Utilizing Technology to Teach Sexuality

I have a guest post on Utilizing Technology to Teach Sexuality over at Teaching Sex Ed.

iPad apps to support Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

iPad apps to support Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy

Students of all ages now have access to a variety of technologies, but schools and educational settings have been slow to adapt to changes in technology and incorporate them into classrooms, aside from the ubiquitous PowerPoint.  Integrating technology into education is a great way to engage students in learning that is fun and engages students with different learning styles and preferences.  Using technology in classrooms also encourages students to take a more active role in learning, instead of always having the educator disseminate knowledge.  Depending on the technology used, these activities can also encourage creativity and critical thinking using technology and media that is already familiar to students.

Click here to go read the rest of the post and learn more about you can use laptops, smartphones, and tablets when teaching about sexuality.